Meet The Board

Building a Community of Hope for the Homeless.

Meet the dedicated individuals who lead the Perth Homeless Support Group with unwavering passion and commitment. Our board members are the driving force behind our organisation’s success, bringing together their diverse backgrounds, expertise, and shared belief in the power of community to make a difference. With their collective vision and determination, they guide us towards our mission of transforming the lives of the displaced, homeless, and those in transitional housing. 

Simon Lane


I volunteer with PHSG, and have been doing so for over three years now, for two main reasons. Firstly, I have always believed that the health of our society is reflected by how the most vulnerable are treated and PHSG makes a real difference to so many who are facing many difficulties and secondly, many of the volunteers and and team members that I have got to know have not had lucky, privileged lives, like I have but heir commitment is authentic and enthusiasm infectious. Many generous impressive people.


In the interaction with the ‘streeties’ I have looked into the eyes of appreciative, angry, downtrodden, shattered people with others resigned to their fate in one of the richest cities in the world. We definitely ‘make a difference, without prejudice’ to them. Many rely on us.

In turn we rely on the generosity of donors to enable us to rise to the challenges. Please help us to keep ‘making a difference’.

As a Board member, with my colleagues, I am seeking to help guide the charity as the demand for assistance grows to remain sustainable while remaining true to the values of its founders, Michael and Ron.

Cheryl Hogan​


In 2017 a young man was living rough in the lane around the corner from me in North Perth. My neighbours and I decided we would provide him with food everyday and toiletries. He had a lovely little nook of a shelter in a recess in an untenanted building. He was warm, dry, polite, thankful and figuring out what to do next. When I went to drop off his dinner one night (2018) he was gone. There was a skip at the building and his possessions were in it, including all our neighbour donations.


It was atrocious as the owner had no immediate intentions to use the building. The owner didn’t care where the young man was. It was at about the same time I became aware of the growing number of homeless on my walk from home (North Perth), to Northbridge where I worked and Ron and Michael’s initiative to help provide essentials to ease the hunger, cleanliness, warmth, and self-worth for those without regular accommodation.


I am committed to continuing to support Perth Homeless Support Group with the drive and energy that is required to keep it afloat, doing the invaluable work it does in what appears to be a growing community. 

Liam McIntyre


During the COVID-19 pandemic, I underwent a profound transformation in my perspective on life. I came to realize the abundance I possessed compared to many others who were less fortunate. Thankfully, I was able to continue working during this challenging time, making me one of the fortunate ones.


This shift in perspective prompted me to take action and extend a helping hand to those facing adversity. I embarked on my journey by volunteering, later assuming the role of a team leader, and eventually finding myself serving on the board of this remarkable charity organization.

My fundamental belief is that every individual deserves an equitable opportunity and should be treated with unwavering respect and dignity. I am extremely grateful for the existence of this organization and for the wonderful individuals I’ve had the privilege of meeting and collaborating with during my tenure with this charity.

Jen Hayes​


I have worked in the accounting services industry in Perth for over 20 years and it is during this time that I became aware of Ron and Michael’s work with PHSG.

Hearing their story and seeing the practical hands-on approach that they had to help Perth’s homeless inspired me to become involved.

I am proud to serve as a board member of PHSG where I am looking to use my experience to help the charity continue to be sustainable and meet its values of ‘see the need and make
a difference, without prejudice.’

Michelle Warrener


I work in Emergency Services, and in 2017 was stationed in the Perth CBD. Whilst i’ve always been aware of homelessness in the CBD, my mind was blown at the extent of what I was seeing.
I looked online for support services I could refer people to, which is how I came across PHSG, co-ordinated at the time by Ron Reid & Michael Edwards out of their Lake Street hairdressing salon. I booked an appointment to suss them out! During my appointment, I was humbled by the number of people who dropped in, to leave a jar of coffee or box of muesli bars on the counter for PHSG.

I immediately loved the community feel to this charity. Anyone could make a difference, however large or small and I began donating sandwiches to outreach on Sundays soon after. 
When PHSG expanded to our own depot and the opportunity came up to co-ordinate community fundraisers, I was thrilled to be able to take part and join a passionate board and group of volunteers. 
The PHSG Quiz Nights & our online auctions have become a regular events on our calendar, but I would love new ideas on how we can raise money and donations together for our street friends.