Corporate Support Busy Bee/Outreach

Supporting Perth Homeless Support Group by volunteering your time is a rewarding experience and there are many ways you can be involved.

Wednesday Busy Bee

These are held at our depot in Bayswater every week and are vital in getting all donations that have come in over the previous week sorted and packed away.


The donations that come in are used either for our Sunday Outreach or our Emergency hamper relief.


The toiletries tubs get topped up ready for Sunday’s Outreach as well as making fruit and jelly. Trollies need to be packed with non – perishable food ready for Sunday.


We can cater you for another day if that is suitable to your group except for Friday as this is Meals Prep.

Friday Food Prep

As our numbers are increasing on Sunday Outreach’s approximately 500 Sandwiches get made every week as well as packing our baked goods and finishing jelly and custard.


To get involved, please contact our Meals Coordinator – Stacey Bell no earlier than 2 weeks prior to book a date and time suitable for you.

Once booked, Stacey will email a list of food items needed to prepare for Friday one week prior to you coming in.


Please order the items and have them delivered to our depot on the Thursday prior to your booking.

Sunday Outreach

Sunday Outreach is such a rewarding experience where you get to be there to hand out vital supplies from non – perishable foods, fresh food, toiletries, tea/coffee, clothing to name a few to those less fortunate.


Our numbers are increasing substantially from week to week, and we need at least 35 volunteers to help.


To book please choose which event you want to help with and let us know a date and time no earlier than two weeks and we will confirm your booking and email the required forms that are to be completed prior to commencement.